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How To Tell If a Furnace Fuse Is Blown: 4 Warning Signs

how to tell if a furnace fuse is blown

Is your furnace on the fritz? Contact Cool By Design for superior repair service in Florida!

There’s nothing more inconvenient than discovering that your HVAC system has blown a fuse. You’ll have to deal with a lack of heating as you search the web for “contractor to fix heater near me.” How does one end up in this situation?

This guide explains how to tell if a furnace fuse is blown and what you can do to fix it. Learn how the HVAC technicians at Cool By Design tackle this problem to restore heating. 

Why Fuses Fail

Before we dive into how people know if blown fuses are behind their HVAC problems, let’s discuss what causes an electrical fuse to fail. Each of the following issues can impact your furnace’s operation, though some are easier to fix than others:

  • Bad wiring: Furnace fuses will repeatedly blow if wires become loose or have visible damage. 
  • Dirt or dust build-up: A clogged air filter can cause several issues with your furnace, including causing it to overheat. This leads to an electrical overload and a blown fuse. 
  • Ineffective system: Installing the wrong size furnace for your needs could cause excess strain on the fuses. 
  • Metal framing: Avoid placing a metal frame around your thermostat since this is proven to cause blown fuses.
  • Natural wear and tear: An aging furnace can start to malfunction and increase the chance of blowing a fuse. 

How To Tell If a Furnace Fuse Is Blown: 4 Common Symptoms

Your furnace fuse is likely blown if you experience any of these four common warning signs. Contact an HVAC professional right away to schedule repairs so your furnace can once again heat your home at maximum efficiency.

1. Lack of Heating

If you crank up the temperature on the thermostat but your house doesn’t get any warmer, it could indicate a blown furnace fuse. You’ll need to replace the fuse in order to restore function to the heater. 

2. Unresponsive Furnace

Does your furnace not work despite you adjusting all of the system controls? A blown fuse is the likely culprit behind the unresponsiveness. The only way to get the furnace functioning again is to replace the worn-out fuse with a new one that can accommodate the system. 

3. Burning Smells

One obvious way to tell if a furnace fuse is blown is by smelling a burning odor coming from the fuse box. The equipment could overheat and start to melt, resulting in both visible damage and a particular smell. 

4. Tripped Circuit Breaker

Many homeowners associate circuit breakers and fuses together. In this case, a tripped circuit breaker could also mean that the furnace fuse is blown. Both components may fail because of an electrical short somewhere within your HVAC system. 

How To Prevent a Blown Fuse

Knowing how to tell if a furnace fuse is blown will help you solve the problem quicker since you can tell an HVAC technician that’s the reason your furnace needs repair. The best way to prevent this issue is to understand what causes fuses to fail and take steps to avoid that outcome. Experts recommend the following precautions:

  • Scheduling regular furnace maintenance: Have a professional inspect and clean your furnace once a year for the best performance. Tune-up services will make your HVAC system more efficient and save you money on repair costs.
  • Using the right size fuses: You’re more likely to deal with blown fuses if you don’t install the proper ones for your furnace. A professional can guide you through this process for the best results.
  • Limiting appliance usage: While running your furnace, try to avoid using high-power appliances. You want to limit the total strain on your electrical system to avoid short-circuiting and damaging your appliances. 

You’ll have to be proactive about furnace upkeep and electrical usage to prevent fuses from overheating. A professional HVAC contractor can provide tips for maintaining your heating system so it operates at its best. 

Let Cool By Design's Technicians Treat Your HVAC System

Now that you know how to tell if a furnace fuse is blown, you’ll know if you need to schedule furnace repairs. The experts at Cool By Design can restore your heating system so it works when you need it most. We also specialize in furnace installation and maintenance. 

Count on our team for all of your heating needs. Call Cool By Design at (954) 710-5719 to schedule a service appointment. 

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